Two FOs and a seriously cute puppy picture today.
FO: Manly Manos Hat
Yarn: Manos of Uruguay
Needles: US 8 Bamboo DPNs
The Manly Manos hat came into being after N deemed the Boy Hat I made for my cousin for Christmas "Hat, version 2.0." Hat, version 1.0 being Brooklyn Tweed's Turn A Square Hat (I made and gifted 3 of these this past fall). N assured me that while he loves hat v. 1.0, hat v. 2.o is just more awesome. So, enter a nice brown colorway of Manos, and Hat, V.2.0 is born.

Photographing a wool hat just seems odd, when its so sunny your eyes are watering, and the subject wearing the hat is also wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Gotta love California. I think the browns of the hat look awesome next to the blue sky.

FO: Colin's Christmas Hat
Yarn: Bernat Cashmere Natural Blends
Needles: US 7 bamboo DPNs

I love the way this pattern looks, but it was a bit laborious to knit at times. I put it down for a while, and came back to it just this last week. I am trying my darndest to get rid of 5 skeins of this bernat cashmere blend I have had in my stash about a year. Its soft, dark grey, and machine washable, which means its great for hats for guys. Guys tend not to get the whole hand washing of handknits thing. But this yarn is miracle yarn. I have made I think 4 hats, and I still have 1.5 skeins left. Will it never leave me!?!

I used the decreases on
beautyisntperfect's blog.

Disclaimer: by the time I took pictures of this hat, my eyes were hurting so badly from the brightness I was just snapping pictures without looking. Hence, blurriness.
And the cute puppy. Hi Dave! Happy weekend.