My style is a hybrid hippie-preppy- California comfortable. I think the CA comfortable style is a hybrid hippie-preppy style in itself. One thing I can tell you I am not is a bohemian princess. I may not be hip and
boho enough to pull of my newest knitted creation, but hey, I totally love it anyway. And I will wear it. Hipsters will judge me, and I won't care. I will be wearing a wool hat and flip flops.

Bohemian Princess Hat
Star Crossed Slouchy Beret by
Natalie LarsonYarn:
Malabrigo Worsted in Turquoise
Needles: Size US10 and 11 bamboo
The cables are fun, the yarn is awesome, and the decreases look
purty. The yarn originally intended for
Short Row Glory, but that road did not end in Glory. It ended about 1
gagillion miles south, in
massive failure. I did not want to subject the yarn to another attempt, in case that failed too, and another ripping was necessary. I can't bear to waste the lovely
Malabrigo on repeated froggings. Must buy more
Malabrigo, and try short row hat again!

Have I mentioned my undying love of
Malbrigo? This was my last skein in the stash. I am now longing. Thinking, brooding. I stare at my remainder skeins listening to U2's "with or without you." Then I comfort myself with a few rows of the Clap with Handmaiden glory. Enough
yarnporn for today.

I totally
recommend this pattern! Easy, fun, pretty, sassy,
boho, matches my flip flops, and very quick. Instant gratification quick. I needed this after my
unsuccessful short rows. That, and my other projects on the needles have been there for a while, and I needed the satisfaction of a finished product. A little fix to convince me to pick up
Pomatomus again.

Hooray! I think I need to make one too, although I am even less boho than you :)
love it!
Isn't that kind of a fabulous pattern? I love it!
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