FO: Claire's Cowl
Pattern: Improvised from the Twisted Plait Stitch in my new stitch dictionary
Knitting Stitches by Mary WebbYarn:
Malabrigo Merino Worsted in Shocking Pink (kettle dyed), about 1/2 a skein
Needles: US 10/ 6mm bamboo straights
A belated Christmas gift for my little sister, this cowl is soft, squishy, and extremely pink! The
Malabrigo colors are super saturated and gorgeous, and I seem to be drawn to their ultra brights.

I used a single crochet join to make an elegant ridge where I joined the fabric. Single crochet does not work if you favor a smooth, invisible join, but I like the braided look of a single crochet edging.

I cast on 41 stitches, knit in the pattern until the piece was 19
ish inches, cast off, and joined! Piece 'o cake pattern. Not even really a pattern, just slapping a stitch pattern onto the basic cowl template. It was an enjoyable, quick knit, and I cannot say enough about the how amazing
Malabrigo feels on the needles! No wonder there are
Ravelry groups dedicated to knitting one
Malabrigo project per month!

I still have about half a ball of the
Malabrigo leftover, perhaps for shocking pink cowl part

Another shot of the crochet seam:

Some eye candy shots of my newest
WIP, the infamous
Striped Noro Scarf: 

So much lovely yarn in one post - I don't know if I can handle it! The cowl looks wodnerful. I just finished one of my own - no pictures yet but perhaps tonight.
Did you find the stitch used in the cowl in a pattern or in a stitch book? I love it. Did you design the cowl yourself?
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