Here is the yarn for my first real attempt at lace. I knitted about 60% of the Swallowtail before I finally admitted to myself that something was wrong, a la Yarn Harlot. First, I noticed I had one stitch to many on one row. I threw in a haphazard K2Tog, and thought all would be fine. It was, for a few more inches. Then it happened again. And again. Sometimes I would be over by a stitch and sometimes under. I could not see the errors in my work, I just knew they were there. And so it continued. I became disenchanted. The Swallowtail was placed in a time out in the back of the closet.
The Swallowtail has reemerged, awaiting frogging. I can't quite bring myself to do it. When it comes to me and lace knitting I seem to be dealing with a dichotomy that I haven't quite managed to control yet. On the one hand, I think knitted lace is gorgeous, versatile, phenomenal, and all around wonderful. On the other, I did not enjoy knitting on my Swallowtail. The yarn was nearly threadlike (KnitPicks Gloss Lace). The needles called for seemed so big compared to the yarn, it was a bit awkward for me.
However, my enduring love of the patterns I pour over online and in books continues. All I can think is "I want to do that!" And I will.
I am having my second go (which I am calling my first REAL go at lace to make myself feel better) with a yarn that is a tad beefier than the threadlike lace weight yarn I was using before. The yarn is amazing. I bought it at Imagiknit at a sample sale. Its Malabrigo 80% Merino, 20% Cashmere in a colorway that looks like its called "Stonechat" (the handwriting is a bit hard to read.) It is SO soft. The colorway is gorgeous and unique, and a bit different than I usually knit with.
It also is taking me ages to wind into a ball. I have neither a swift nor a ball winder, so its just me, a jumbo needle, and the back of a chair. It is slow going 45 minutes this morning, and all I have to show is a half wound ball. But look, so pretty!!

So, behold my chunky monkey cream colored cable scarf. I don't love the way the braided cable warps the CO edge, but I was unable to find a solution without starting the cable much later, which I did not want to do.

Oooh purty :)
I love that your projects are in "time out" :)
PS: GORGEOUS colored yarn!
That red/green yarn is simply delicious! You are a lucky girl.
Sometimes frogging is a must... I hate that.
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