On Friday I also received a birthday treat in the mail from Sonny and Shear. (I ordered it, but it was from birthday money, I swear!) Gotta love that cheap shipping!
Treat #1: 4 oz. DragonFibers Merino/Bamboo Roving in "Secret Garden"

It is ridiculously soft and I can't wait to start spinning it with my beautiful spindle from Butterfly Girl Designs. I'm going to have to wait until I finish the first ball of roving that I bought way back when since I only have the one spindle.
Also, I need to get better at spinning so my beautiful Secret Garden doesn't turn out looking like crap.

Treat #2: 1 skein of Oceanwind Knits Suri Silk in "Tickled"

And finally, here's what I've been working on for another friend who is kicking the bucket, er, getting married. The Faux Russian Stole from A Gathering of Lace. (She is Chinese/White and he is a Russian, hence SHE will be a Faux Russian. It's only fitting.) I only have 3 weeks to finish! It's not looking good for me...
But it is looking good. My only complaint is that I can't memorize that pattern, since each repeat is 96 rows long and a billion stitches wide! Makes for some slow knitting. Good thing The Incredibles was on the Disney channel last night. ...Not that I don't own it anyways...
I've got a case of the Mondays.
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