Sunday, July 13, 2008

Spinning madness

On Friday I got stuck in traffic on my way home for lunch. What normally takes me about 6 minutes took me 50! I was so mad. Stupid lamborghinis catching on fire at the same exit to the fair on opening day! Ugh.

Note to self: always carry a fork in case of traffic emergencies when you have a bowl of pasta salad.

I did an amazing amount of spinning today. Well, an amazing amount considering I am pretty bad at it, and I am only using a drop spindle. The plied yarn looks way better than my chunky singles. I wish I had a wheel. =/

In knitting news, I am now done with the first thrummed mittens for our two friends who are moving to Boston in a few weeks. Here they are chillin on the jade plant on my porch:

I only have one week to finish the other 1.75 mittens. (I have about 25% of the second blue one done.)

Yesterday I went to the fair with a few friends. THERE WERE SHEEP. Lots and lots of sheep. There was some sort of sheep shearing demonstration/competition that I JUST missed! I was so disappointed. There were little blobs of wool at the edges of the ring. I was so tempted to take them. I would have too, but I have no carder or.... anything else needed to prep it. DRATS.

I will never have enough yarn. Le sigh...

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