Thursday, December 17, 2009
The Nimbus 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
FO: Aestlight Shawl
N and I ventured on to the roof on a blustery San Francisco morning to photograph my latest FO.
FO: Starry Nights
Pattern: Aestlight Shawl by Gudrun Johnston
Yarn: Dream in Color Starry in Purple Paisley (same as the Smooshy, with 2% silver woven in for some sparkle.)
Needles: US 6 circs (knit picks options)
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Mad Cowl Disease
Cowls must be the perfect knitting project. Fast, portable, warm, snazzy. They make a great gift and add the perfect finishing touch to any outfit. Three FO's today- two were birthday presents and one was a random project for myself.
Pattern: improvised
Yarn: Dream in Color Smooshy, "Spring Tickle" and Miss Babs Yummy Superwash Sock, "Sunflower"
Needles: US 2 circ's
Started: 11/17/09, Completed: 11/22/09
This was a birthday present for my good friend Sara. As always, the smooshy was AMAZING and I love the Miss Babs Sunflower colorway. This was good practice in fair-isle. I've been working on keeping the stranding looser so the stitches don't pucker. I think I succeeded!
Pattern: improvised
Yarn: Lily Chin Park Avenue Printed
Needles: US 6 circ's
Started: 11/13/09, Completed: 11/16/09
This cowl was a birthday present for another good friend, Savilla. It was pretty easy to make, and the results look great. The pattern, if you care to make it yourself, is simple:
CO 150 sts
Row 1-6: K5, P5 around x6 rounds
Row 7-12: P5, K5 around x6 rounds
Repeat these 12 rows for a total of 5 times or until length desired.
BO following knits and purls, weave in ends.
Last FO: Quick and Dirty
Pattern: Crofter's Cowl by Gudrun Johnston
Yarn: Catalina Yarns Baby Silk
Needles: US 8 circ's
Started and Completed: 09/26/09
I love this cowl. I think I grafted it one stitch off; it doesn't line up EXACTLY, but for me it's close enough. I pair it with a classy wool swing coat or just under a sweatshirt. I may or may not have worn it every day for the past few weeks...
It's the winter of the cowl. Time to cast on for more!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
FO: Liliana's Socks
FO: Liliana's Socks (for my MIL)
Pattern: Burning Rings of Fire, a free pattern by Kristen Kapur
Yarn: Plymouth Yarn Sockotta Sock Yarn, purchased from Birds-N-Yarn
Needles: US 2 Knitpicks Options DPNs, my current weapon of choice for socks
I impulse bought this cotton blend while ordering some Lorna's Laces online. I do not know what came over me at the time, because I like neither cotton socks nor self-striping yarn. You know how enticing yarn sales can be, mystery items just appear in your cart. When the yarn arrived, it occurred to me it might actually be perfect for some MIL socks. I had a feeling she would like a cotton blend rather than 100% wool, since she tends not to get cold too easily.
Monday, November 16, 2009
From Sweden with Love
Now gracing our dresser, the doily lays under my jewelry boxes, and continually reminds me how awesome the fiber arts are! Transcending generations and continents, the traditions perpetuate. How can you not love it?
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Stash Bustin
Friday, November 13, 2009
As a wedding gift, my aunt made me lace trimmed pillow cases. My grandmother was an avid knitter, a master of everything from the cable to the bobble to fair aisle. Another of her loves was lace trimmed linens, always pressed perfectly, and always in use. Another thing that makes knitting magical for me is using something so beautiful, and making something that is both inherently gorgeous and functional.
My grandmother passed away when I was fourteen, before I grew into a knitter. Knowing my love of knitting, and my Grandmother's, my aunt made me this gift in honor of my grandmother. She made and attached the lace, and wove in a ribbon to match the shirt my husband sported at our wedding.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Notes on sanity
There has been some knitting. Not much knitting, but some. I am almost done with my on-the-bus socks, a gift for my MIL. I am on the second repeat of the second chart on my Aestlight Shawl, in DIC Starry. I must echo the Yarn Harlot's thoughts on the Starry, its lovely, but not quite as silvery as one would hope. Yet, I love it, and want more of it! Kristina recently introduced me to the Dizzy Sheep, which features one yarn for sale per day at bargain basement pricing, and I have since been checking every day, hoping for more Starry.
Knitting is one of those things that keeps me sane, but the time in which to do it evaporates in the face of other tasks. I can see why doctors prescribed knitting as a cure to anxiety to housewives in the old days. As I knit each stitch, I can feel my mind sifting, processing, and clicking things into place. I am always glad when I sneak some time to knit a few rows. Most of my knitting is 6:30 am bus knitting at the moment, and I won't lie-- I have nodded off once or twice!
In good news, Thanksgiving and Christmas are nearly upon us, which for me means vacation and knitting time! In preparation, I ordered some yarn for my first sweater! I bought Valley Yarns on Webs, my first time buying their in-house brand, in a chunky weight, dark blue heather. They were offering a sale for knitting daily subscribers, so I hopped on it. I got enough yarn for a sweater plus a free pattern for 25 bucks. I am planning to knit the sweater featured in the latest Berroco newsletter, Nimbus. Its more of a sweater coat, which comforts me since I won't have to be too worried about a precise, tailored fit.
Some photo documentation of my last few busy months:
Monday, October 12, 2009
I'm not dead yet...
(Five points to whoever got the Monty Python reference.)
Although my blog posts have been few and far between (almost none, in fact) I've been doing just as much knitting as ever. I just had to take a time-out from school to post what may have been my most important FO of the year.
FO: Rose's Wedding Shawl
Pattern: Aeolian Shawl by Elizabeth Freeman
Yarn: Jade Sapphire Lacey Lamb
Needles: US 4 circ's
Other odds-n-ends: used a crap-load of mauve beads, size 8/0
Started: 08/05/09, Completed 08/20/09 ...technically ends were woven in on 10/03/09.
I am always so surprised and pleased after blocking. I swear, it is black magic.
Finally, here is a picture of the whole thing, with my fiance (!) for scale. (Don't mind the empty bookshelves in the background; we were in the middle of moving.)
Saturday, October 10, 2009
FO: Silk Wool Spiral Cowl
Pattern: Spiral Cowl by Keri McKiernan of Knitty Gritty Thoughts (free pattern!)
Yarn: Malabrigo Silky Merino
Needles: US 6/ 4.0 MM knit picks options nickel plated fixed circs
Mods: I omitted the button, as the cowl was not loose enough to warrant it. I would make it again, a bit bigger, just so I could use the cute button accent.
Pictures taken at Clautiere Winery, in Paso Robles, CA on my mini-honeymoon :)
Sunday, September 20, 2009
FO: The Nantucket Purse
FO: Nantucket Purse
Pattern: DROPS Cable Bag (free pattern!)
Yarn: Peru Naturtex Partners Pakucho Organic Cotton (mine was cheap on
Needles: US 10.5 Bamboo Circulars
I love this pattern and this bag! My friend Jess added the handles and the sewn in lining. I did not like this yarn, it had almost no twist, and was splitty like crazy. I prefer cottons with a strong twist like Rowan cotton rope. The cotton was not fun, but I did love the outcome. Very slouchy and cool.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Night at the Museum
When I started the Ring of Fire socks, I assumed the pattern was written for 3 DPNs because that is what I use. I cast on as instructed, without thinking much, 34 stitches per needle. I joined, then knit a row, again, not thinking at all. I looked down at a massive beast of a knitted circle. I looked at the directions, confirming I cast on correctly. Yup, 34 on each needle. Yet, I seemed to have a third more stitches than I needed! I reread the pattern again, finally actually reading the beginning instructions. The pattern was written for 2 circulars, not the 3 DPNs I was using. I frogged my giant, 112 stitch sock, and adapted for 3 needles, scaling back to the more normal 68 stitches :)
I saw King Tut at the De Young last night. It was a lovely exhibit, really well put together. Much improved from the version I saw 5 years ago in LA. The sky was crazy last night, unusual high clouds (we usually only get low fog) made for a dramatic sky behind the modern towers of the De Young.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Sock in Progress
Kristina slumbers peacefully with a cake of DIC Smooshy Yarn in Pansy Go LightlyKristina brought me the most amazing gift ever. She knitted me an amazing wedding shawl, using Knitty's newish Aeolian Shawl in a gorgeous chocolatey brown, and with beads! It is both perfect and totally awesome. She is such an amazing knitter, and friend. I am so grateful to have her :) Thanks, friend.
Some sock in progress shots! The pattern is a freebie, Ring of Fire, by Kristin Kapur. This will be a Christmas gift for N's mom. Her foot is a bit larger than mine (about 4 sizes!) so I lengthened the heel flap quite a bit and am making a longer foot.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
FO: Pomatomus Socks
Pattern: Pomatomus, by cookie A. (free pattern!)
Yarn: Knit Picks Bare - Peruvian Highland Wool Fingering Weight hand dyed by Kristina and myself. A fun, but very smelly project ;)
Needles: Knit Picks metal DPNs. I loved working with these. I switched mid-project after snapping a bamboo needle in twain.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
How to begin....
As the airplane soared through the darkness towards Santo Domingo, the capital city of the Dominican Republic, I wondered where the city was, where the lights were. Though I had signed up for the volunteer trip and read about the Dominican Republic for months, my sixteen year-old self had no conception of the all-encompassing nature of poverty; the city was below, but the electricity was out for the night. Later, as our bus hurtled through hazy dawn in the countryside, my eyes drank in every detail, every mango stand, every machete-wielding sugar cane worker, and every stray dog. I returned the next year, to repeat the experience, and in 2009 I returned a third time, as an adult chaperone on the same trip for high school students. These trips changed my worldview, shaped my values, and gave me a new perspective of the world, and my role in it.
For the first time, I stepped out of middle class America and into poverty, with the goal of building houses and helping rural people. I gave up the comforts of home: showers, plumbing, air conditioning, cars, a house full of gadgets, and days packed with activities and obligations. I stayed with a local family, ate what they ate, bathed in the local swimming hole, abandoned my reliance on cell phone and internet access, and adopted a slower pace of life. The family I stayed with and friends I made in the Dominican Republic taught me more and gave me more than I could have ever hoped to give to the people I had come to help. My family and friends in the Dominican Republic are poor by American standards—spotty electricity, occasional running water, no cars, and few material possessions. Yet, they give with open hearts. They give time and energy: a helping hand, a cup of coffee, an able body to help a neighbor dig a hole, or a couple hours playing cards with the grandmother next door.
In the town of La Desucbierta, you cannot stop by someone’s house without drinking a coffee or lemonade, being offered a banana or mango, or even being served a full meal. As I opened up to the Dominican way of life, I felt my heart and my mind expanding and growing as I adapted. When given an invitation to do something new or go somewhere, I replied “yes” instead of responding with the usual barrage of detail-oriented questions Americans ask. I extended my hand, hugging an elderly woman in the mountains of Haiti with an infection in her leg, speaking with my heart when I lacked the words to communicate. I abandoned American fear of making mistakes, and learned to dance the Bachata with the family who owned the local corner store. By adapting to the conditions and customs in the Dominican Republic, I opened myself up to an enriching cross-cultural exchange that has contributed to my development as a person, and certainly fueled my desire to continue to work to change lives.