Last Saturday I was so craft-productive. Here are the fruits of my journey (no pun intended). All fabric purchased at Joann's for ~$25. I got about 3 yards of the blue, 8 of which were 50% off since it was the last of the bolt. I am hoping to make the blue cotton into a bed-pocket because we don't have nightstands, resulting in crap-covered floor. I am loving
this bed-pocket from xetark on flickr. So crisp looking. Me likey.

I am thinking of pairing these two fabrics to make a simple tote like Rose's first one. Stripes on the bottom, apples on top. I'm not really into apple-bottoms. I am more of a pear-bottom myself. Joann's really didn't have a great fabric selection, but these were all on sale so what the hey. I think it will turn out pretty well- the colors that is. No promises on how my sewing will be. Okay, one promise: it won't be pretty.

Also on Saturday, I treated myself to a BOBA!!! I HEART BOBA!!! There is a Tapioca Express just a few blocks down from me and this was the first time I've been since moving. Man, it's so good, once it hits your lips. Peach Snow Bubble, you are my BFF. Can we hang out more often?
Then on Sunday, Saviche and I went to watch Mamma Mia! It was good. Ridiculous, but entertaining. I think a good time was had by all. And she got her socks (as seen below). For the past week I've had random snippets of Mamma Mia songs stuck in my head. Kinda lame since I only know one or two lines from each chorus. Well, besides Dancing Queen. I have spent many a day (okay maybe only once) sequestered in my room rocking out to Dancing Queen. Who among you can say that you haven't? That's right. No one.

P.S. I'll give you a dollar* if you can guess what this is. No cheating and looking at my Ravelry queue!
*and by "give" you a dollar, I mean "not actually give" you a dollar.
You're totally off your gourd. (Yes, that's my guess.... not an insult.) I adore this post because it is just how I talk... very train of thought. The fabrics are freaking wonderful - can't wait to see the finished objects!
Nice legs!
And yes, I've had those songs stuck in my head too!!
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